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Melia azedarach-White Cedar

White Cedar

Melia azedarach

13 metres at maturity
10 metres at maturity
Growth Rate:
Fast growing
Growth Habit:
Medium to large, broad deciduous shade tree with decorative foliage Flowers hang in sprays
With fern-like foliage which turns to red autumn tones before falling.
The flowers are small with five pale purple and white petals BERRIES ARE TOXIC to mammals but sought after by birds
Preferred growing conditions:
Full sun
Well-drained soil
Landscape Use:
Planted in parks, public gardens, stream banks and along footpaths or roadsides
The fragrant lilac flowers and yellow fruits of White Cedar make it an appealing ornamental tree
The hard seeds of the plant can also be used in art and crafts .

Native Australian plant, Deciduous, Shade tree, Decorative, Ornamental

* All dimensions are indicative

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