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purple norway maple

Purple Norway Maple

Purple Norway Maple - Crimson Sentry

Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry'

7 metres at maturity
4 metres at maturity
Growth Rate:
Slow to moderate
Growth Habit:
Small and dense. Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry' is a compact deciduous maple tree with a broadly columnar formation.
Leaves are dark purple with five spiked, serrated lobes. Striking purple through to gold-brown hues in autumn.
Preferred growing conditions:
Thrives in sunny to partly shaded position in well-drained soil. Regular, deep watering is preferred. Mulch to improve soil conditions, maintain moisture and discourage weeds. Once established, ‘Crimson Sentry’ is relatively disease and pest free requiring little maintenance.Generally proving to be a remarkably hardy tree suitable for difficult sites. Can tolerate heat, frost, low levels of drought and air pollution.
Landscape Use:
With its stunning autumnal foliage and dense, compact formation Purple Norway Maple ‘Crimson Sentry’ is suitable as a feature or shade tree for all size gardens and parks, as well as street plantings. Also works well along driveways. Due to its toughness, it is particularly suited to difficult sites.

* All dimensions are indicative

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