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European Beech - Fagus sylvatica
European Beech - Fagus sylvatica European Beech
Common Beech

Fagus sylvatica

15 metres at maturity
up to 12 metre spread at maturity
Growth Rate:
Slow to medium
Growth Habit:
This large deciduous tree grows at a slow to moderate rate, forming an oval shaped dense canopy with a tendency to branch close to the ground
The Fagus sylvatica 'European beech' provides year-round beauty - attractive silver/grey bark with rich mid-green leaves displayed in the spring, dense shade in the summer, stunning autumn foliage and a graceful silhouette in the winter.
Preferred growing conditions:
Full sun is the ideal condition for this tree - preferring 6 hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day.  Does not thrive in extreme heat.  Fagus sylvatica grows in acidic, loamy, moist, sandy, well-drained and clay soils. It prefers moist, fertile well-drained soil but has some drought tolerance. It copes well in a neutral to alkali soil pH.  It will not tolerate dry or regularly flooded soils.
Landscape Use:
A good choice for large open spaces or as a hedge as it tolerates heavy pruning well.  This tree yields oval shaped brown beechnuts and features striking autumnal colour.
Fagus sylvatica requires little maintenance. Pruning should be carried out in July. If maintained as a hedge is should be cut twice a year in July and late summer, this will ensure it retains its leaves during the winter months.

* All dimensions are indicative

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