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Syzygium paniculata 'Backyard Bliss' Lilly Pilly

Syzygium paniculata var. Backyard Bliss
Lilly Pilly

'Backyard Bliss' Lilly Pilly

3-4 metres at maturity
1 metres at maturity
Growth Rate:
Vigorous, mature in 10 years.
Growth Habit:
Dense, fast growing 3-4m.
Glossy green leaves, flushes bronze in its newer growth PSYLLID RESISTANT, so the foliage remains clean and healthy
Cream flowers in summer.
Preferred growing conditions:
Full sun to part shade
Light frost tolerance
Plant is not salt tolerant .
Landscape Use:
Backyard Bliss - Lilly Pilly is ideal as a container specimen or topiary
Excels as a hedge or dense screen around pool, or courtyard areas

Australian Native, Container Specimen, Topiary, Hedge, Screen

* All dimensions are indicative

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